расположен - vertaling naar Engels
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расположен - vertaling naar Engels


см. тж. в ... ~; находиться; установлен

• When installing the thermometer, the tip should be arranged (or placed, or sited) as near as possible to ...

• Loudspeakers are so disposed as to give a three-dimensional effect.

• Pollution sources should not be located in valleys.

• The luminous reaction zone occurs very close to the solid surface.

• The cabins may be placed (or located, or sited) near the mill.

• The thermocouple is positioned in the outflow pipe.

• The atomizers are positioned to apply a multi-colour finish.

• The blade is set at right angles to the handle.

• The screw is situated at the rear of the clamp.

• The turns are spaced 1/8 in. apart (or at 1/8 in. intervals).

• Four sets of burners are patterned around the inner periphery of each furnace section.

• When atoms are arranged in a solid ...

• Volcanic islands often occur in long, straight chains.

• The boxes are aligned (or arranged) parallel to the optic axis of the telescope.


см. тж. атомы, расположенные в узлах; беспорядочно расположенные; находящийся

• The furnace consists of several hearths arranged (or positioned, or situated, or located, or placed) one above the other.

• The roof sprays consist of three rows of 14 nozzles disposed along the length of the building.

• Ultrasonic energy is obtained from a generator housed in the base.

situated, ordered, disposed; расположенное поле, ordered field
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor расположен
1. Вдобавок Новгород удачно расположен географически.
2. Объект расположен по адресу: Калужская область, г.
3. На верхнем торце трубки расположен большой светодиод.
4. Кинотеатр расположен в довольно престижном районе.
5. - Здание, в котором расположен наш театр, уникально.